What to Expect

What to Expect at the Nursery

When your child starts nursery, they will be introduced gradually with their first session for one hour.

At the end of this session a staff member will chat with the parent or carer about arrangements for the second day. Children settle at different rates and some may need more support than others with the settling process. Please be guided by our staff as to the length of time to ensure your child is completely confident and happy in nursery.

  • What Will My Child Need?

    Please provide both indoor gym rubbers and wellies that can be left in the nursery. Tom Thumb also have branded sweatshirts and polo shirts for sale which the children can get as messy as they like!  

    We strive to promote independence and it would be helpful to have indoor shoes which are easy for the children to put on and take off themselves. Gym rubbers with Velcro would be best compared to slippers which don't offer as much grip or support for the indoor climbing frame. 

    During the colder days it would be helpful to provide a hat, gloves and scarves and in the hotter weather a sun hat and sunscreen.  

    If you need some financial assistance to purchase appropriate outdoor clothing for your child, please speak to the nursery manager as a fund is available to support this.

  • Starting the day

    We encourage all parents and carers to walk their child down the lane to the hall, and not drop off by car for the safety of all the children.

    The children will be met outside and taken in by a member of staff to change their shoes, hang up their coat and wash their hands.  

    We have a self-register system where the children are encouraged to find their own name with a picture next to it followed by a soft start with free choice of play until all children arrive. 

    We have a little welcome song, a chance to share news and talk about the weather before children are free to choose where they wish to play.

  • What is an average day?

    A healthy snack is available from 9.30am-10.30am for children to have should they wish with a drink of milk or water.  Independence is encouraged and supported, with handwashing, pouring their own drink and washing dishes after.

    We plan the room setup and activities through weekly team planning using our observations from the children to incorporate their interests and termly topics.

    We have a small space outdoors right next to the nursery which we often set up, and are very fortunate to have the walled garden which provides a huge safe area for activities like energetic games, planting, apple picking and bug hunting.  The beach is often a favourite to visit and all children look forward to our forest Fridays at the Vat Run every week.

    A hot lunch is provided at 12 noon, and staff sit alongside the children while they all enjoy this social occasion chatting with friends while they eat.

    A further snack and drink are provided later at 2pm during story time for those who wish to join whether they are indoors or outdoors.

  • Home Time

    The safety of your children is of utmost importance.  At the end of each session your child can only be collected by a known parent/carer/friend.  Please inform staff if it is someone else collecting your child.  Please note that no person under the age of 16 is permitted to collect a child from a nursery. 

    If your child cannot attend for any reason, please contact the nursery manager as soon as possible.  If your child is ill, you will be given some guidance about when it is safe for them to return to avoid passing the illness to another child.  In general, sickness or stomach bugs will require your child to be off for at least 48 hours once your child has recovered, but staff will advise the current guidance when you call.

  • Our Vision Aims and Values


    Tom Thumb Vision, values and Aims

    Our Vision

    Children are welcomed into a safe and inclusive environment, where our children are nurtured and respected. To offer fun, high quality learning experiences, which encourage children to reach their full potential.

    Our Values

    Respected-Children are respected in a safe and inclusive environment.

    Achieving- Children’s achievements are celebrated.

    Included- We work together with parents and the community to ensure that everyone feels valued, accepted, and understood.

    Nurturing-We offer a safe, settled, and comfortable environment where children’s needs are at the heart of everything we do.

    Belonging-Ensuring children are given a voice, support children to contribute to the setting, encourage friendships and positive relationships.

    Opportunity-We offer children opportunities to thrive and grow through fun, educational experiences both indoors and out. Children are encouraged to take risks and engage in high quality learning experiences

    Welcoming-We welcome children into a happy, stimulating environment. Where staff motivate children to learn, ensuring they reach their full potential.

    Our aims

    • Keep everybody safe.

    • Children’s learning and wellbeing are at the centre of everything we do.

    • Maintain a high standard of care and support for all users.

    • Encourage children to be independent and take the lead in their own learning. 

    Written by staff, children and 

    parents at Tom Thumb Nursery and 

    Playgroup September 2022.

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